Examples SCENES
This section describes the scenes located in SofaUnity/Scenes/Examples/. These scenes illustrate basic physics that can be simulated using the SOFA framework in Unity. Most of them are examples present as is in the SOFA repository.
01. Example_01_SimpleLiver

Classic simulation of SOFA famous Liver.scn scene using tetrahedron finite elements (on the right) and sphere collision elements (middle).
02. Example_02_Caduceus

03. Example_03_SimpleObjectsCollision

04. Example_04_DeformableObjectsCollision

05. Example_05_SoftTissue

06. Example_06_BeamModels
07. Example_07_SPHFluid

08. Example_08_SPHFluidParticles

09. Example_09_HeatDiffusion

10. Example_10_VonMisesDisplay