What is SofaAPAPI-Unity3D ?

The goal of SofaAPAPI-Unity3D is to combine performance and accuracy of
scientific multi-physics simulation with the Virtual Reality world.

More concretely, it is a combination of two software programs working together.
On one hand, from it’s full name SofaAdvancedPhysicsAPI, is a C++ library.
It aims to optimize and wrap the concepts of the SOFA framework in a single API with several levels of integration.
On the other hand, SofaUnity is a Unity3D C# asset integrating this API to propose SOFA as a physics engine complementary to Unity3D PhysX.

But what is SOFA ?

SOFA, meaning Simulation Open Framework Architecture, is an efficient framework dedicated to research, prototyping and development of physics-based simulations using scientific approaches and concepts such as Finite Element Methods, constraint and numerical methods for ODE resolution.

For full description visit: www.sofa-framework.org


What can I do with it ?

SofaAPAPI-Unity3D can be used in Unity3D to simulate solid and deformable mechanics as well as Fluid and Thermodynamics.
It also support multiple haptic devices interaction with continuous constraint resolution.

Check the section Features Available for more details.

How to get it ?

SofaAPAPI-Unity3D can only be obtained on demand using the form in the Request software section.
The software is available under different licensing terms depending on your use. See the License section.
For more details, please contact: contact@infinytech3d.com