What is Sofa-Unity3D ?

The SOFA Unity3D integration brings the advanced capabilities of SOFA (Simulation Open Framework Architecture) into the Unity3D environment, enabling real-time physics simulations. This integration embeds SOFA as a physics engine within Unity3D, allowing developers to harness SOFA’s extensive interactivity, flexibility, and performance. With this module, you can create Unity3D applications that include simulations of deformable objects, interactions with haptic devices, and support for VR or AR technologies. Specifically, this integration acts as a bridge between the C++ library SofaVerseAPI, which consolidates SOFA concepts into a unified API with multiple levels of integration, and the SofaUnity C# asset which exposes this API in Unity3D.

But what is SOFA ?

SOFA, which stands for Simulation Open Framework Architecture, is a powerful framework designed for the research, prototyping, and development of physics-based simulations. It utilizes advanced scientific approaches such as Finite Element Methods, constraints, numerical methods for ordinary differential equation (ODE) resolution, and precise contact handling for haptic devices. Implemented efficiently in C++, SOFA enables the simulation of both soft and rigid body dynamics, making it possible to create highly realistic and interactive simulations. These capabilities are valuable across various fields, including healthcare, robotics, virtual prototyping, and more, where accurate and dynamic simulation is crucial.

For full description visit: www.sofa-framework.org

What can I do with it ?

With SOFA-Unity3D, you can simulate solid and deformable mechanics, as well as fluid and thermodynamic systems, directly within Unity3D. The integration supports interactions with multiple haptic devices, ensuring continuous constraint resolution and providing a realistic tactile feedback experience. Check the section Features Available for more details.

How to get it ?

The core of the SOFA-Unity3D integration is freely available on the Unity Asset Store and can also be accessed via the InfinyTech3D Github page. Additional features, such as haptic integration, medical imaging, or pre-configured surgical scenarios, can be acquired on request using the form in the Request software section. These specialized assets will soon be available on the Unity Asset Store. For further details or to request additional features, please contact us at: contact@infinytech3d.com