Examples SCENES

This section describes the scenes located in SofaUnity/Scenes/Examples/. These scenes illustrate basic physics that can be simulated using the SOFA framework in Unity. Most of them are examples present as is in the SOFA repository.

01. Example_01_SimpleLiver​

Simple Liver surface deformation
Simple Liver collision spheres
Simple Liver tetrahedral FEM

Classic simulation of SOFA famous Liver.scn scene using tetrahedron finite elements (on the right) and sphere collision elements (middle).

02. Example_02_Caduceus

Caduceus snake simulation
Caduceus snake simulation in wireframe
Caduceus snake grid FEM simulation
Caduceus opening scene from SOFA inside Unity using reflection probes. Visual models on the left with textures, in wireframe in the middle and the deformable FEM grid on the right.

03. Example_03_SimpleObjectsCollision

Simple collision of rigid elements
Simple collision of rigid elements
Simple collision of rigid elements
Simple collision simulation of a cylinder falling on a rigid cube.

04. Example_04_DeformableObjectsCollision

Collision of multiple deformable bodies
Collision of multiple deformable bodies
Collision of multiple deformable bodies
Simulation of the scene MultipleCollision.scn from SOFA involving the collision of 3 deformables bodies simulated using regular FEM grid.

05. Example_05_SoftTissue

Soft tissue simulation
Soft tissue simulation
Soft tissue simulation in wireframe
Simulation of soft tissue using triangular finite elements. Right image shows the triangle finite elements.

06. Example_06_BeamModels

Beam model simulation
Beam model simulation
Beam model simulation in wireframe
Simulation of SOFA Beam Model implementation in SofaUnity allowing to simulate beams and change its resolution and diameter.

07. Example_07_SPHFluid

Fluid particle simulation on soft tissue
Fluid particle simulation on soft tissue
Fluid particle simulation on soft tissue
Fluid particles simulated as Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics falling on suspended soft tissue.

08. Example_08_SPHFluidParticles

Fluid particle simulation lifetime
Fluid particle simulation lifetime
Fluid particle simulation lifetime
Simulation of SPH Fluid particles falling on the floor with a given life time.

09. Example_09_HeatDiffusion

Heat diffusion simulation
Heat diffusion simulation
Heat diffusion simulation
Heat diffusion simulation on a volume beam modellized with tetrahedral mesh.

10. Example_10_VonMisesDisplay

Tetrahedral FEM Von Mises value display (available since v24.06)