Sofa-Unity3D [V24.06.00]

Release date: 2024-09-19



  • Core enhancements:
    • Add: VonMises support and display. Add colorMap for this display as well as a new example [PR#89].
    • Add: SofaCollisionDisplay component and a unlit material to be used [PR#90].
    • Add: new SOFA panel, with SofaViewPanel options as well as SofaPlayer and Debug console and connect all panels to the Sofaplayer options [PR#91].
    • Add: more prefab for the UI and update several scenes to use the new gui [PR#92].
    • Add: Mouse picking support using raycasting [PR#95].
    • Add: new options in SofaMeshController and SOFA collision models [PR#99].

  • Plugins Enhancements:
    • [Tearing] Add: Tearing plugin loading option and add first example [PR#94].
    • [Python] Restore example using python SOFA scene and CUDA benchmarkes [PR#97].
  • Major bug fix:
    • Fix: FEM display logic between ForceField not being an FEM, simple tetra mesh geometry rendering or vonMises rendering.
    • Fix: Update all reference logs and images and Improve Test API scripts [PR#102].

  • Other bug Fix:
    • [Beam Adapter] Various fix on SOFA update, and BA tip world position and orientation [PR#87]
    • [All] Backport some cleaning from the old gitlab repository: Remove some materials and wip scripts. Restore the ShowRoom application [PR#93].

Know bugs


  • [Multi-threading] asset has been disabled.
  • ParticlesModel max number of particles can’t be increased during simulation.
  • SofaVR_API and VR SofaPlayer curved interfaced have been disabled.
  • It is not possible to create components directly in Unity3D hierarchy interface and then change its type.
    Only a few set of components are handled. See graph edition
  • It is only possible to set Data value, not to link them between components inside Unity3D.
  • Building Unity App will copy all SofaUnity scenes and resources. Not only the targeted one.